Sunday, 1 August 2010

Birth Preparation Workshops

Birth without fear
Birth preparation workshops

Workshops are offered to aid you with achieving the birth you want through information; relaxation; and empowerment leading to greater ownership and participation in your birth process. 

Also, help will be given on how to advocate for youself in a 'system', with how to consent or tactfully decline procedures and positively assert your wishes with the staff around you.

Anatomy and physiology explained as relevant to you and your baby.

Confidence and Gentleness as you Empower yourself to achieve a culturally safe birth as you constantly look at balancing Risk and Benefit of all your decisions and assumptions.

Reason & Feelings

(Gut feelings are subtle animal responses to situations guiding us with what is right for us, however, fear produces adrenaline in our fast and frantic lives affecting our innate wisdom with decision making). So, turning down the stimulation the over-reading; and instead be listening to calm quiet voice within, for inner wisdom we reduce the challenges brought by a society based upon fear.

One option often over-looked is to actively do nothing. There may be risks of intervention or of not intervening in pregnancy and birth. We need to own our decisions by participating in the process, and sharing with our care-givers and supporters

Biography - About me

Midwife over 20 years; Neonatal & Paediatric Nurse over 25 years with thousands of births attended in numerous hospitals all over the UK and NZ and Australia; in both private and public hospitals, as well as homebirths and including significant numbers of waterbirths, as well as intensive care work focused on respiratory and cardiac care. I have researched comparative birth in and around Asia the Orient and in the Americas as well as the UK NZ and Australia. Although I still work clinically in both high and low risk pregnancies, I am moving more towards art and writing as ways of encouraging empowerment of our innate birthing wisdom. [ref To Give Birth is a Fearsome Thing and painted by artist Katie Elder article by Robb Kightley British Journal Midwifery MARCH 2010, VOL 18, NO 3]

Educator – (Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE) – facilitating learning for individuals or groups interested in any aspect of childbirth, and the legal and ethical aspects of midwifery and nursing.

Advocate (BA Law) – As an RN RM we are duty bound by our professional codes to advocate for clients (even where I may disagree with what you want) I support and encourage you to make informed decisions. This is achieved with less fear and more information, common-sense and trusting your birthing process, to reflect your strengths.

My Roles:

Expert Witness – providing reports on matters of fact in relation to care and records of care for medical negligence cases, profession conduct cases and other

Employment law advisorMidwives4Midwives blog

Experienced litigator – drafting legal statements and legal research to resolve cases in or before going to court by effectively challenging health care providers such as hospitals and government organisations.

Natural Therapist (Shiatsu; Acupuncture; etc)


NCT AIMS Sheila Kitzinger Primal health (Odent)



What do you want?

You need to know what you want, why and how you want to achieve it. To visualize this and discuss it will let many irrational fears go and deal rationally and holistically with any other challenges.

My aim is to achieve this by “Participation and partnership” Or, “Awareness and Responsibility

You may not know all of what you want, especially if this is your first birthing experience, or, if it is a subsequent birth you may know what you want to avoid from a previous birth.


Costs are very reasonable and vary depending on numbers and location, from £50.

Books suggested
Birth without violence - by Frederick Leboyer (RIP)
Activebirth by Janet Balaskas
Anything by Sheila Kitzinger or Michel Odent

links .... to be continued and added to ....

Web sites recommended or youtube clips
The Business of Being Born
Birth into Being
Google - gentle birth; unassisted birth; skin to skin at cesarean sections;

The informed parent



The Independent
The Guardian The Observer
The Telegraph

NZ Herald
The Dominion


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